Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Holiday Window Clings.....

If you are anything like I am after a holiday is over the packing up of all the decorations begin.  Well this is where I get myself into trouble.  I am guilty of never following the storage directions as in the case of my window clings that my two children absolutely love.  I always just peel them off the window and throw them into a ziploc bag.  They always get crimped and folded up making them unusable the following year.  Well I found an easy way to make them all fresh the following year.
Step 1:  Wash all clings with a mild soap to get all dust and dirt that has collected on them.
Step 2: Towel dry and lay flat until completely dry.
Step 3: Clean your windows where the clings are going to go.
Step 4: Positions the cling onto the window (this is where I have the problem the edges always curl up not laying flat)
Step 5: The solution to problem take your hairdryer and turn on to low heat about 6 inches from the cling on the window.  Let it heat up for about 10 seconds and smooth out cling VOILA' cling is good as new!

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